How We Resource Spiritual Formation Assessment

Helping measure how people are actually living out their faith in their every day lives.

What percentage of my people am I ok with doing nothing with their faith? How can I definitively know whether the people of my church are actually deepening in their relationship with God? What would happen in the life of my church if we had a way of measuring gospel impact versus just tracking giving and attendance?

These are powerful questions. Imagine having quantifiable data that helps uncover the spiritual health of your church and helps shape how you shepherd the body.

The Spiritual Formation Assessment (SFA) is a survey for your church that gives you a new way to measure success. We work with your church to conduct an anonymous survey of the congregation. This survey measures each individuals relationship with God, other believers and unbelievers, their spiritual giftedness, discipleship, and personal stewardship. Once we collect the data we help you interpret it, celebrate its strengths, identify areas worthy of extra attention, and then set benchmarks and measurable goals for your ministry that corrolate with your vision and disciple-making strategy.

As part of the Resource Initiative, we want to partner with you to bring the SFA to your congregation in order to help identify the strengths and weaknesses of the spiritual health of your body. Our desire is to help your church and its leadership be better prepared and equipped to lean into areas of strength and know and respond to areas of opportunity for increased growth.

The SFA is a perfect tool for a pastor to gather unbiased data for building a comprehensive ministry plan. It brings keener insight and greater awareness for how you approach ministry and pastor your church.

The Spiritual Formation Assessment tool clearly identified needed areas of improvement without any room for questions. It also helped our leadership team gather solid, accurate information
about the spiritual temperature of our congregation.
Rev. Aaron Deal | Trinity Church, Cleveland, OH
I highly recommend the Spiritual Formation Assessment. The SFA is a great tool to help pastors, leadership teams, and church families discover where they really are as they intentionally accept the responsibility of the Great Commission.
Rev. Mark Bayliff | Union Chapel Missionary Church, Lima, OH

Interested in the SFA for Your Church?

Our team would love to help you know and assess the spiritual health of your congregation so you can develop a comprehensive ministry plan for shepherding your church.

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Interested in learning more about the work God is doing in our region and how you can become part of it? Our prayer is that God would use us to reach the almost 12 million people who call Ohio home with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We would love to help further explore how we can partner together with you to achieve this vision. Join us in ensuring everyone in Ohio has an opportunity to respond to the life-saving Good News of Jesus.

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