Our Core Values Principles that Guide Our Ministry
The East Central Region shares the core values of our larger denominational family, Missionary Church:
We are relationally connected.
We encourage, facilitate and resource churches rather than direct them. Our goal is to inspire and partner with one another to increase ministry effectiveness.
We are kingdom minded.
We focus more on the mission than the institution. We change the organizational structure whenever necessary to stay on mission.
We are biblically grounded.
We are fiercely faithful to core biblical doctrines to ensure that we stay theologically sound. We are not dogmatically exclusive.
We are creativity embracing.
We allow freedom and flexibility that empowers churches to be relevant in their communities. We are a permission-giving culture, not a restricting one.
We are leadership empowering.
We identify, develop and release leaders. We do not limit God in who he calls to leadership.
Interested in Joining the Mission?
Interested in learning more about the work God is doing in our region and how you can become part of it? Our prayer is that God would use us to reach the almost 12 million people who call Ohio home with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We would love to help further explore how we can partner together with you to achieve this vision. Join us in ensuring everyone in Ohio has an opportunity to respond to the life-saving Good News of Jesus.