I was deployed with the US Army just 2 weeks after the attacks of 9/11. Eventually, much of our unit found its way to Afghanistan where we were assigned several interpreters. I connected with an interpreter from Pakistan who happened to be Christian. We became very good friends and stayed in contact after the deployment. He had a son who was 2 years old that attended every Skype call, sitting on his father’s knee as we communicated. The young man eventually graduated from his father’s lap and began communicating with me by himself – always referred to me as “daddy” (his American dad).
Fast forward through time and both Masih and I became pastors in 2006. Our church had always supported the little church in Pakistan throughout the years. I started with 19 people and he started with 12. Today, the “little” church in Pakistan is over 200, and thanks to a larger building now, this church will double in size this year.
In December, I received a video call from Waqar – who is now 25 – and he asked “Daddy, I am getting married in February. Can you please come to my wedding?” I prayed about it and God gave me and Darlene a wonderful peace about me traveling there alone. It was a long 30-hour trip.
When I arrived at the airport, I was greeted by a security team who took me through the immigration and passport procedures and stayed with me during my trip.
The first week was wonderful, as I attended the 4-day long wedding, visited the underground church, and was able to preach to them a message of hope and encouragement to stand firm in the face of unrelenting persecution. These people meet every week, often in different locations. Their faith in the Lord Jesus is unquestionable. They depend completely upon Him for provision and protection. They are sold out and loyal. I was very blessed to be in their presence and experience their undying worship and love for God.
Friday evening arrived and word had spread of my arrival. Most had never seen an American before. The locals that came out with their cameras and the hundreds of children that wanted to press in and touch me were quite a challenge to the security detail. Most of these locals were Muslim, who would line the streets wanting a picture. The children would try to press by the security team before being beaten back. They would say “Americano – one Bible please?” Muslim children who wanted a Bible. They see the work of the Christian Church as they feed and clothe their neighbors. They see over 40 orphaned children who have been rescued from the streets and placed into the care of the church, who feeds them, clothes them and educates them with Biblical world-view curriculum. These children would have certainly been trafficked. The evidence of Christians living out their faith in sincerity – depending upon God for everything – is attractive to them. The crowds formed and over 500 people packed 4 floors of the building and stood outside. I preached on the power of God to save a human soul through Jesus Christ. Many received Christ and many wanted prayer for healing. They brought their sick, their wounded, their children, their elderly. The requests ranged from healing, to God providing couples with a child. I couldn’t pray for each one – I could only touch them and move on – trusting that God knew their need. There were so many healings that took place that evening as I obeyed God and walked through the crowd and just touched them. A little girl with crossed eyes was completely healed as her eyes returned to center. A young girl possessed by devils, fell to the ground and at the name of Jesus, they left her. I had never witnessed immediate healings like this before. If you’re looking for true revival, you may just have to look beyond the borders of rich America. It is happening. Lahore, Pakistan is a city of 12 million predominantly Muslim. His Spirit is moving among people who are truly hungry. Hundreds of people were saved during this first week. Praise the Lord!
Our church in Lima continues to support the work of the church there in Pakistan. When 400 Christian homes and 40 churches were burned last year, we moved in and sent relief. We were able to relocate all but 14 families from the fields they were staying in. So, for my final week, I wanted to visit these 14 displaced families and spend my final week under the stars with them. I was cautioned that if I was to do this, I would have no way to communicate (no phone service) and I would have to commit to a full week there. The security team that was attached to me would not be staying with me. I agreed and I was dropped off. I was there 2 hours and was stricken with dysentery. I knew what I was up against and began to conserve as much fluid as I could. This meant only eating ½ an egg per day to avoid episodes that would result in more fluid loss. After 4 days, I felt the full effects of dehydration; lips cracked and bleeding and very disoriented. I met God in a whole new way through this. I was completely dependent upon Him for my survival. He proved faithful and I returned 2 days early from the trip in order to come home and heal over a period of a couple of weeks.
The first Sunday back, I asked the congregation to help provide 100 Urdu Bibles ($6 per Bible) for the orphans and many of the children who requested them. We give God the praise for a collection of over $7000.00 to not only purchase 500 Bibles, but to move the 14 displaced families out of the fields and into a building so the men can return to work making bricks. This collection enabled them to expand the orphanage and gather 8 more children from the streets, placing them in the orphanage for care and Christian education. I thank God for the Holy Spirit who moves hearts to give and for people who respond to this movement with generosity and love. Let’s continue to pray for America and the western Church that our eyes will be enlightened and that we can also be partakers of the great work of His Kingdom happening globally right now.
– Dr. Tim White
Tim, thank you for sharing this. We know that God is alive and active in this world, but to hear personal stories of His great power, His saving grace, His healing is so very necessary to spur us on to follow God’s leading. Our efforts are not in vain when they are in response to the Holy Spirit’s leading. So glad you are back safe and on the road to full health.