Prayer Goals for Women’s Ministry

  1. Women’s ministry leadership team prays together regularly and our planning teams take a significant amount of time to pray before conducting business.
  2. Prayer is a vital ingredient in outreach efforts and our women are praying for lost people by name.
  3. An emergency prayer chain is in place.
  4. Women’s ministry leaders are committed to putting prayer in a visible place in all women’s ministry activities.
  5. There is a growing interest for continuing education in the area of prayer, and teaching articles on prayer appear regularly in our ministry communications.
  6. Women are praying for each other at unscheduled times.
  7. We have a women’s ministry prayer coordinator.
  8. Overall, when there is a major decision to be made, prayer is the key ingredient to the process.
  9. There is a systematic way of compiling prayer requests and praying for them.
  10. We have a way of letting women know about answered prayer.
  11. Women’s ministry leadership has a group of prayer partners committed to covering them and their families in prayer.
  12. Our women’s ministry has identified and is using at least one woman with a heart for intercession.
  13. We offer opportunities for women to pray with leaders/intercessors at the conclusion of activities/sessions.
  14. Our women regularly pray with other believers outside of just our own congregation.
  15. We have committed prayer warriors who are providing a real prayer covering for all church ministries.
  16. Prayer is seen as the first step in the solution to any problem either within our ministry or on a personal basis.
  17. Our ministry regularly sponsors prayer opportunities and prayer teachings for Christian women from the community.
  18. Our women are excited about prayer and what they are seeing God do in their lives as a result of prayer.
  19. Our women know and are comfortable using several different styles of praying.
  20. Significant prayer events (e.g. Concert of Prayer, etc.) are regularly scheduled to guide our women in focused prayer.

Adapted from Powerhouse: A Step-by-Step Guide 10 Building a Church That Prays. For more information on prayer, visit the website, select the “Our Ministries” tab, then “PrayFirst!/Prayer.”

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