The next question we must answer is “now what?”—should this situation continue for a longer period of time than any of us might have anticipated, how will we support and contact one another in a context in which face to face gathering in groups of any size is discouraged or even prohibited?
First, let me pass on personal encouragement to all of you—make sure you take your burdens and frustrations about all this to God and spend some time unpacking that with Him. I am reminded of the amazing interchange between David, God, and David’s observers in Psalm 6.
“LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath. Have mercy on me, LORD, for I am faint; heal me, LORD, for my bones are in agony. My soul is in deep anguish. How long, LORD, how long? Turn, LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love. Among the dead no one proclaims your name. Who praises you from the grave? I am worn out from my groaning. All night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes. Away from me, all you who do evil, for the LORD has heard my weeping.” Psalm 6:1-8
In the first part of that Psalm, David shares his burdens, feelings, and struggles honestly before God—the “raw” emotion in verses 1-7 is powerful. Then, in verse 8, David turns to address others, and the tone changes dramatically from emotional pain to confident faith.
The underlying principle here is that if we as believers are going to continue to be able to walk in confidence, we will have to take opportunities to get away with our Father and “unpack” with Him. Please take the time to “cast your cares on Him, because He cares for
you.” If we are to remain confident through this, we will need to keep connected with the Father and keep offloading the burdens, questions, and frustrations into His “inbox.”
Let’s continue to pray for each other, for our churches, and for God’s Kingdom purposes to be fulfilled in the midst of this challenging time.
In Jesus,
Jeff Kephart
Thank you 🙂