Our Priorities Relate
We believe that all ministry happens best in the context of loving, healthy relationships, with God, with other believers, and with those who have not yet accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. As we relate to God and to one another, we seek to do so by living out the Fruit of the Spirit, recognizing that we are all made in God’s image yet have fallen short of God’s higher standard for life (Galatians 5:22, Romans 3:23).
As a region, this priority is central to the mission as we are working to foster relationships with one another, to provide encouragement and support, helping one another thrive in faithfulness and fruitfulness. In order to maximize our impact and faithfully steward all that has been entrusted to us, we want to help our region mobilize pastors, leaders, churches, and all of Christ’s followers who make up the Church for the work God has laid before us. Through vehicles like our Prayer Initiative or our Pastor Network, we hope to further unify our region with God’s heart and encourage each other for mission.
See How We Relate
Interested in Joining the Mission?
Interested in learning more about the work God is doing in our region and how you can become part of it? Our prayer is that God would use us to reach the almost 12 million people who call Ohio home with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We would love to help further explore how we can partner together with you to achieve this vision. Join us in ensuring everyone in Ohio has an opportunity to respond to the life-saving Good News of Jesus.